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Welcome back from winter break! Here are the announcements for this week:

  • GCKids' 4-week Winter to the Max program kicks off this Sunday! Each week, K-6th graders will learn valuable lessons about following Jesus while having tons of fun! This week is Show & Tell, and children can bring one item to share. Please remember: no weapons, video games, or live animals. We can’t wait to see what they bring!
  • Childcare for birth - 6th grade will continue to be available at the church during Wednesday night Small Groups from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. Kids will enjoy fun, supervised activities plus a snack.  Donations to offset childcare costs are appreciated.
  • The church will continue hiring childcare workers for birth - 6th grade during Wednesday night small groups from 6:15 pm - 8:15 pm. Kids will enjoy fun, supervised activities like games, movies, and snacks. Any donations to offset this cost are always appreciated.
  • Are you regularly serving on a team at GCC? Teams are where we discover our purpose and make an impact! If you're not on a team and would like to find your place to make an impact, mark your ministry card this Sunday and someone will reach out to you!
  • Speaking of teams: as part of our building refresh, we're creating a new Volunteer Lounge with lockers for you to store your things, some new lanyards, and a check-in system.  You'll hear more about that at Teams Night on Wednesday, February 5th!
  • Ladies, we have a couple of dates for you to put on your calendars: February 8th is a Women's Breakfast and April 5th is the return of our Ladies' Tea Party!

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