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Your family will not soon forget today's activity as we lead our family to the resurrection. 

This seder meal* can be as easy or detailed as you would like. Here are a few ways to help lead the meal. 

Remind them of the story of Passover and the final days leading up to Jesus' death. 

  1. The Last Supper:

    • Jesus shared a final meal with His disciples, which is known as the Last Supper.
    • During this meal, He instituted the Lord’s Supper (also known as Communion) as a remembrance of His sacrifice.
    • Judas Iscariot, one of His disciples, betrayed Him during this time.
  2. In the Garden of Gethsemane:

    • After the Last Supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray.
    • There, He agonized over His impending suffering and arrest.
    • Judas led the religious leaders to arrest Jesus in the garden.
  3. Betrayal and Arrest:

    • Judas identified Jesus with a kiss, signaling His arrest.
    • Jesus was taken into custody by the religious authorities.
  4. Religious Leaders’ Condemnation:

    • The religious leaders condemned Jesus, accusing Him of blasphemy.
    • They sought Rome’s approval for His execution.
  5. Trial Before Pilate:

    • Jesus stood trial before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor.
    • Pilate found no reason to charge Him but feared the crowd’s reaction.
    • Despite Jesus’ innocence, Pilate sentenced Him to death.
  6. Crucifixion:

    • Jesus was beaten, mocked, and stripped naked.
    • Soldiers drove nails through His wrists and ankles, fixing Him to the cross.
    • An inscription above His head read, “The King of the Jews.”
    • He hung on the cross, enduring insults and jeers.
    • Darkness covered the land, and an earthquake occurred as Jesus gave up His spirit.
    • His death fulfilled the purpose of redemption for humanity.
  7. The Empty Tomb:

    • On the third day, Mary Magdalene and another Mary went to the tomb.
    • They found the tomb empty, and an angel of the Lord sat on the rolled-away stone.
    • The angel told them not to be afraid because Jesus had risen.
  8. Encounters with Jesus:

    • As the women left to tell the disciples, Jesus Christ met them and showed them His nail-pierced hands.
    • Later, Jesus appeared to His disciples, confirming His resurrection.
    • He instructed them to go to Galilee, where they would see Him.


  • The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of the Christian faith.
  • It confirms His identity as the Son of God and His work of atonement, redemption, reconciliation, and salvation.
  • His resurrection affirms God’s saving grace through Jesus.

You will need:

Matzoth Unleavened bread - Pita bread is fine.  
Maror - Bitter herbs - Think Horseradish or chopped onion
Haroseth - Chopped apples, nuts, cinnamon, grape juice (Stick it all in a blender)
Bone shank - My family smokes ribs for this. Lamb is traditional. But some meat with a bone... You can use lunch meat in a pinch.
Roasted egg - (Stick an egg in a 400-degree oven until it gets brown- you can also hardboil a brown egg)
Parsley - Fresh is best - You could use any time of herb that is green and can be dipped
Salt Water
Grape Juice -
Elijah's cup - Some cool or special cup

Set up a display of all the items on a tray or in the middle of a table.

Tell your youngest-speaking child to ask this question: "Why are we eating unleavened bread tonight?"

Pass out the Matzoth - (Unleavened bread - or Pita Bread)
Say: "For on other nights we eat bread, but tonight we eat only matzoth. This unleavened bread reminds us of when the Israelites had to flee Egypt; they didn't have time to wait for yeast bread to rise. They had to be ready to move when God said so. Like the Israelites, we Christians must live so that we are always ready to go when Jesus returns."
Take a bite of the Matzoth


Tell your child to ask this question: "Why are we eating bitter herbs tonight?"

Pass out the Maror - (Bitter herbs - Think Horseradish or chopped onion)
Say: "For on other nights, we eat other vegetables, but tonight, we eat only bitter herbs. These herbs remind us of the bitter suffering the Israelites knew when they were slaves in Egypt. We now remember that Christ suffered a painful, bitter death. The death that we deserve.  As we eat the bitter herbs we remember the bitterness of His suffering." 
Take a bite of the Maror


Tell your child to ask this question: "Why is this night different from all the other nights?"

Pass out the Haroseth - (Blended up apples, nuts, cinnamon, grape juice, Salt Water, and Parsley)

Say: "For on other nights, we do not dip our vegetables even once, but tonight, we dip twice. The saltwater represents tears of sorrow, and the parsley represents new life. We dip the parsley into the salt water to remind us of the tears that one day Jesus will wipe away when we are with him in heaven"

Let everyone dip the parsley in salt water and eat it. 

Pass the Haroseth
(And more parsley if needed)
Say: Next, we dip the bitter herbs into the sweet haroseth, reminding us that the sacrifice was sweetened by freedom and now we remember that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. Also, the color of the haroseth reminds us of the mortar the Israelite's slaves used to build the buildings for their Egyptian masters. Now we remember that The stone (Jesus) that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.) 

Let everyone dip the parsley in Haroseth and eat it. 

Tell your child to ask this question: "Why are we sharing a cup tonight?"

Pass out Elijah's cup - (a Nice cup with grape juice)
Say: "For tonight we share this cup of joy and are reminded that we must share the good news of the gospel with others out of gratitude that Jesus became the final "Lamb" to be sacrificed in order that our joy may be full. 
Pass Elijah's cups one by one and sip. (Before each person sips, have them say what they are thankful to God for) Then sip the sweet juice and pass the cup to the next.


Tell your child to ask this question: "Why is this night different from all the other nights?"

Pass out the bone shank- (Some type of meat)
Say: "This is a symbol of the lamb that was sacrificed for sins. Now we, as believers, know that Jesus was the perfect Lamb, God's sacrificial gift for the sins of all. We no longer need to sacrifice animals but can rely on Jesus's perfect sacrifice on the cross for our salvation. " 
Eat the Bone Shank


Tell your child to ask this question: "Why are we eating a brown egg?"

Pass out the Roasted egg or eggs
Say: "We don't normally eat eggs with our meal. But tonight we get more than we require" "This is to remind us that God gave more than what was demanded. Jesus was God's ultimate gift; God's law demanded only justice, but with the gift of Jesus, God gave us mercy, love, and forgiveness as well as justice. 
Eat the roasted egg

Now the father goes behind each child lays his hands on their shoulders and speaks a blessing over them. (Draw out Christian qualities that they see in them. This could also be a time of thanksgiving for their salvation or encouragement. A blessing is a spoken word that is meant to encourage and empower. This will speak loudly to your children and they will know what's important to you. The mother follows behind and can whisper a prayer in their ear. 


*This is a highly adapted seder meal and only touches on a real seder meal. We have added Christian elements and are thankful for the Jewish community and pray they would know the true Messiah as their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.